Use "dare|dared|dares|daring" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Brazens include braves, confronts, faces, defies, beards, dare, dares, breasts, outfaces and outbraves

2. Who dares to disturb my sanctuary?

3. 10 Who dares whoop it up here?

4. I hardly dared breathe.

5. One may think that dares not speak. 

6. Who dares insult us with this blasphemous mockery?

7. She dared not contradict him.

8. 10 No one dares to stir it up.

9. 5 No senior politician dares to oppose deployment.

10. How dared you to play truant!

11. Don't dare me.

12. You dared not blink an eye.

13. Who dares disturb me during my clyster?

14. How dared he insinuate that she lied?

15. I've never dared go back to look.

16. Gaily dared not bend to retrieve it.

17. No one dared take up the challenge.

18. He dared speak out against the government.

19. Having no limits, Cojones is an editor that dares!

20. She dared the danger of bankruptcy.

21. I dared not voice my dissatisfaction.

22. Who dares to sign up to work overseas now?

23. How dare you

24. She hardly dared to venture an opinion.

25. I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.

26. This dash and daring desperado

27. How dare you?

28. How dare you!

29. Don't you fucking dare.

30. How dare you contradict !

31. Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion?

32. Adventuresome definition, bold; daring; adventurous

33. It's strong, crazy, daring.

34. Not a weed dared to show its face.

35. The exam went better than I'd dared hope.

36. I hardly dared formulate my ambition to myself.

37. You dare disobey me?

38. Audacious (adj.) 1540s, "confident, intrepid, daring," from French audacieux, from audace "boldness," from Latin audacia "daring, boldness, courage," from audax "brave, bold, daring," but more often "bold" in a bad sense, "rash, foolhardy," from audere "to dare, be bold." In English, the bad sense of "shameless, unrestrained by propriety" is attested from 1590s.

39. He is a daring aviator.

40. She said it as loudly as she dared.

41. You dare lecture me, slave?

42. Come on if you dare!

43. Mutants and the humans who dared to help them.

44. He never dares cut the rope and be free.

45. Once the order is given, who dares to disobey?

46. Saddam Hussein's police state ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent.

47. This piece narrated concerns him heroically dauntless, dares story which struggles.

48. Don't you dare break that!

49. Don't you dare touch me.

50. Did your daring plan pay off?

51. The daring climbers laugh at danger.

52. I dared not enter into conversation with him.

53. He slew all who dared to withstand him.

54. He dared to jump off a very tall building.

55. She had dared her daughter - in - law to misunderstand.

56. He performed many daring exploits.

57. He had grown more daring.

58. You dare speak his name?

59. Actually dare to caper police.

60. Nobody else would have dared such a tee shot.

61. Don't dare do that again!

62. Don't you dare help him.

63. How dare you disobey me!

64. Whoever dares to invade Wild Geese Gate, I'll kill him

65. She wondered if she dared risk sullying the gleaming sink.

66. She dared not breathe a word of it to anybody.

67. Dare you insult our Taiwan police?

68. Don't you dare scratch my car.

69. Don't you dare smack my children!

70. How dare you make personal remarks!

71. If anyone dares mention surrender, he will end up like this table

72. 15 The daring climbers laugh at danger.

73. Someone who's Bold is daring and brave

74. How dare they become robbers!"

75. How dare he use the word'pervert'?

76. What, you dare to insult me?

77. We never dared to misbehave in Miss Dill's classes.

78. Adventurousness: The quality of being adventurous; daring

79. 11 Amrita becomes a bold, daring rebel.

80. Few would have dared to predict such a landslide victory.